速報APP / 娛樂 / Facts Through Maps TV 4K

Facts Through Maps TV 4K


檔案大小:74.4 MB

版本需求:需要 tvOS 13.4 或以上版本。 Apple TV。


Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖1)-速報App

Facts Through Maps TV 4K brings interesting statistics to your screen. It uses heat maps to show you interesting facts about our world.

Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖2)-速報App

Facts Through Maps TV 4K will let you customize your TV background with 4K images. Just launch the app and different images will play on slowly and smoothly with a background music.

Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖3)-速報App

With this app you can learn some fascinating things about our world...

Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖4)-速報App

Statistics include some import export data, from the country that consumes the most chocolate in the world to the safest country in the world.

Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖5)-速報App

New captivating, funny and exciting statistics will be added each month to the app.

Facts Through Maps TV 4K(圖6)-速報App

NOTE: This app does not function as the Apple TV screen saver. It must be launched independently.